Friday, February 13, 2015

What I Wore | MAKEUP 01/XX/15

I found myself gravitating towards the same products over and over last month. Since I enjoyed these makeup items so much I thought I would share them with you. If this is something you'd like to see, then I would be more than happy to do these more often! I'm also considering the possibility of posting clothing items I've worn throughout a month if that strikes your fancy (did I just say "strikes your fancy"?).

Sleek Palette "oh so special"

It Cosmetics YLBB Lip Liner Stain "buff nude"

Cargo HD CC Cream

Too Faced Bronzer "chocolate soleil" 

Physicians Formula Jumbo Lash Mascara "ultra black organics"

Tarte Eyelash Curler

NYX Brow Powder "brunette"

Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush Foundation

Samshbox "3d galaxy"

Becca Pressed Shimmering Skin Perfector "opal"

Manna Kadar Liplocked Priming Gloss Stain "lucky"

Tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer

Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Cream Concealer "slate"

Tarte Amazonian Butter Lipstick "plummy rose"

Mirenesse iCurl Secret Weapon 24Hr Mascara "black"

Let me know in the comments if you would like more of these kind of posts, and if you have any questions pertaining to specific products listed above don't hesitate to ask!


  1. I see you really like tarte! I've been meaning to try their powder foundation one of these days. How do you like it?

    1. I do! I'm trying to venture into different brands, but I always find myself picking up another Tarte product haha.
      The foundation's great! If you're looking for a powder to set your makeup (leaves face matte without looking dry and evens out skin tone really well) or you want light/ medium coverage I would highly recommend it! That being said if you want a full coverage foundation this isn't it.
